
Materials in the Colonel Richard M. and Betty Debnam Hunt Teaching Resources Center are recognized by the first line of the call number. The first line of the call number is “Curric.”

Biographies: Biographies in the TRC’s collection are used by elementary, middle and high school age students. Call numbers for books in this collection begin with “B.”

Big Books: The TRC offers a wide selection of Big Books. A Big Book is an enlarged version of a beginning reading book, incorporating very large print and pictures. Big Books are educational tools often used to instruct groups of emergent readers. The call numbers for this collection begin with the letters “BB.”

Children’s Award Book Collection Plan: The Teaching Resources Center automatically acquires various Children’s Award Books each year.

Easy Fiction/Picture Books: Easy Fiction Books are illustrated stories that are written for birth to grade 2 children. Many books in the Easy collection can be used by older readers as well. The TRC’s picture book collection includes copies of Caldecott Medal award winners and honor books as well as other prominent children’s award books. The call numbers for this collection begin with the letter “E.”

Guided Readers: Guided Readers are leveled texts from A-Z based on the individual’s reading ability. These books comes in sets of six and are most commonly used in guided reading lessons. The call numbers for this collection begin with the letters “GR.”

Nonfiction Books: The Nonfiction collection contains materials for birth to grade 12 readers. Titles in the TRC’s nonfiction collection correspond to the content areas of the North Carolina Essential Standards, as well as informational topics of interest to school-aged children. Additionally, the TRC’s collection of folktales and poetry are located within this collection. The TRC’s nonfiction collection includes copies of prominent children’s award winning books including the Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12 award winners. Call numbers in the Nonfiction collection begin with numerals and are arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System.

Professional Collection: The Professional Collection contains teaching materials and other valuable resources for K-12 educators. The collection includes books pertaining to classroom activities, lesson planning, bulletin boards, and instructional methods. The call numbers in the Professional Collection begin with “Prof.”

Ronnie Barnes African-American Resource Collection: The Ronnie Barnes African American collection offers an impressive number of outstanding children’s and young adult books written by African American authors. These titles are incorporated into the Teaching Resources Center’s collections to ensure they are readily accessible for students enrolled in teacher preparation programs, area educators, and others seeking diverse, high quality juvenile literature.

Special Collection Books: Curriculum books that are out of print or of value are in the Special Books Collection. Several books in the collection have been signed by the author or illustrator. The call numbers in the non-circulating Special Collection begin with “Special.”

Teaching Aids: The tactile objects in the Teaching Aids Collection are used by educators to reinforce learning and teach new skills. These objects are often referred to as manipulatives.

Textbooks: The TRC collection contains both North Carolina State Adopted K-12 Textbooks and supplementary K-12 textbooks.

  • NC State Adopted K-12 Textbooks: The state of North Carolina adopts textbooks each year in a different subject area. Adopted textbooks are used for five years by the state. The TRC’s current collection of state adopted materials includes such items as textbooks, textbook correlations, workbooks, manipulatives, student readers, assessment tools and audiovisual materials. For more information on the textbook adoption process for the state of North Carolina, visit Textbook Adoption. Call numbers in this collection begin with “NC Adopt.”
  • Supplementary K-12 Textbooks: The supplementary textbook collection includes current textbooks that were not adopted for use by the state of North Carolina as well as previously adopted textbook materials. All materials in this collection are deselected after 10 years. Call numbers in this collection begin with “NC Supp.”

Young Adult Fiction: The Fiction collection consists mainly of chapter books that are appropriate for students in grades 3-12. The TRC’s fiction collection represents a variety of classic and contemporary literature. This collection includes prominent young adult book award winners including the Newbery Medal award winners and honor books. The call numbers in the fiction collection begin with “F.”