Featured Archives

May 17, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Award honors Rice’s love, support of libraries

Johnnee Rice's dedication and allegiance to East Carolina University libraries was publicly lauded when Rice was presented the lifetime membership award by the Friends of Joyner Library, a main support...

May 08, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Thompson student award winners honored

A ceremony for the 2022-23 Marie & James Thompson Student Employee Awards brought winners to the Janice Hardison Faulkner Gallery to be honored for their work. They also were joined...

May 03, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Friends hold annual meeting, celebration

Are you interested in learning more about the Friends of Joyner Library? Would you like to join?  The Friends of the Library annual meeting and Patrons Wall celebration was May...

Apr 28, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Faculty awarded for 2023-24 Alt. Text Program

Congratulations to the following faculty who have been selected to participate in the Alternative Textbook Program for the 2023-24 academic year.  Faculty participating in this year’s program are moving to...

Apr 26, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Early educators from Princeville

The exhibition in the Janice Hardison Faulkner Gallery, inside East Carolina University's main campus library on the second floor, through July 15 offers a brief overview and documents many of the...

Apr 12, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Publishing agreement with Frontiers

Academic Library Services at East Carolina University has formed an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing with Frontiers. This institutional agreement means eligible researchers may publish in any Frontiers...

Mar 23, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Watch the Kingsboro documentary

“We Can Do Better” was the slogan used by the Citizens for Responsible Zoning during a public campaign that prevented Iowa Beef Processors, Inc., from installing a hog-processing plant in...

Mar 10, 2023

‘Adverse’ exhibit uses salt print process

Brian Culbertson's exhibition entitled "Adverse" features prescription medicine that was incorporated into the salt solution in the salt print process to create multi-layered portraits. This exhibit will be displayed in...

Mar 10, 2023
  • Allison Kaefring
  • Ronnie Woodward

A great year for open access, open science

The U.S. government declared 2023 the Federal Year of Open Science! Open Science is a broad term that includes everything from open access research, open data, open-source code, citizen science and...

Feb 28, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward

Reception held for artists

A major part of the 15th annual School of Art and Design Graduate Student Art Exhibition occurred Feb. 23 in the Janice Hardison Faulkner Gallery with a reception and awards...