Library Departments

Library Leadership Team

The Library Leadership Team provides leadership, vision, and management of Library personnel, programs, and services. It leads planning and evaluation activities for the Library. The Director is the point of contact for advancement and development activities.

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Acquisitions, E-Resources, and Conservation

Acquisitions personnel license, order and process library materials in all formats, and administer the library’s standing orders, approval plans, demand-driven, and evidence-based acquisition plans. E-Resources personnel acquire, evaluate, and make discoverable and accessible the journals, databases, and other continuing resources licensed or owned by the library. Conservation personnel ensure continued accessibility of library and archival materials by performing appropriate treatments on circulating, reference, reserve, rare, and special collections materials. Treatments include mending, cleaning, encapsulation, pamphlet binding, in-house construction of protective enclosures, and sending to the off-site contract bindery for re-casing.

Administrative Services

Administrative Services manages financial and personnel matters for the library. It administers the library’s state funds as well as special accounts including endowments and grants. In collaboration with other university offices, the department manages the library’s recruiting, hiring, employee time/leave, and other personnel actions. The department also provides development and other support for the Director.

Building Operations

Building Operations oversees the maintenance, environmental controls, housekeeping, safety and security of persons and property in the building. The department is also responsible for the library’s shipping/receiving operations.


Circulation makes the library’s books, media, equipment, and other materials available for checkout. It manages the course reserve collection, the pull and hold service, and the office delivery service for ECU faculty and staff. Circulation staff provide assistance with directions, printing, and basic technology and research questions. Circulation provides free notary public service.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan obtains articles, books, and other materials not available from the ECU Libraries through a world-wide network of libraries and other sources. Its Document Delivery service ships books and media to participants in ECU’s distance education programs and provides scans of articles from ECU’s print and microform collections to all ECU students, faculty, and staff. ILL Lending shares Joyner’s holdings with libraries across the state and around the world.

Digital Collections

Digital Collections digitizes and makes available unique library content, including text, image, audio and video analog material. It creates and maintains repositories, databases, and websites for storing and accessing digitized and born digital materials. Through a custom interface, users can search or browse Digital Collections, view results, create their own collections, and download images.

Engagement and Outreach

Engagement and Outreach is responsible for the library’s communications, publications, and public relations activities aimed at students, faculty, staff, and the external community. It manages the library’s special events and exhibits and the Friends of Joyner Library. It provides pre-award and post-award grant support for library faculty and staff.

General Collections Cataloging

General Collections Cataloging catalogs books and electronic resources for the general and reference collections, government documents, serials, media, and microforms. It performs the physical processing for the majority of  materials cataloged. General Collections Cataloging also handles rush requests, withdrawal of materials and database maintenance projects.

ILS Services

ILS Services configures, maintains, and supports the integrated library system application used and shared by ECU Libraries and Elizabeth City State University Libraries. The system encompasses the primary technical workflows of the libraries such as acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, and serials control. ILS Services provides training and documentation for the system.

Library Technology

Library Technology provides information technology support for the library. The department is responsible for maintaining the ECU Libraries websites, including development and support of web applications. The department also provides support for various data repositories and overall administration of enterprise and discovery tools.

Manuscripts and Digital Curation

The East Carolina Manuscript Collection contains more than 1,800 collections. They contain primary sources including letters, diaries, legal and financial records, photographs, and scrapbooks dating from the eighteenth century to the present. The Manuscript Collection supports the curriculum of East Carolina University, and the research needs of its students and faculty members. The collections are open for consultation by the community, thus offering a rich resource for genealogists, historians, and scholars worldwide.

Digital Curation provides support to all units within Special Collections through database and metadata management, born-digital archiving, and liaising with units outside of the division, especially Library Technology.

Music Library

Located on the first floor of the A.J. Fletcher Music Center, the Music Library is home to Academic Library Services’ entire audio recording collection as well as the music-related portion of its video recording collection. In addition, it offers music scores, books, journals, and databases, as well as printing, scanning, reference, instruction and circulation services.

North Carolina Collection

The Verona Joyner Langford North Carolina Collection provides current and historical information, in a variety of formats, pertaining to the entire state, but with a focus on the history of Eastern North Carolina and its people. The collection includes state and colonial government documents, county records, maps, rare books, current magazines and periodicals, databases, and historical newspapers.

Research and Instructional Services

Research and Instructional Services offers personal assistance and instruction in the use of library resources to members of the ECU community (both on-campus and distance learners). Assistance is provided in person, via e-mail and telephone, and through various web-based services. An extensive program of outreach and library instruction is at the heart of the Department’s activities.

Scholarly Communication

Scholarly Communication refers to the cycle in which authors create, evaluate, disseminate, and preserve new knowledge. Scholarly Communication personnel support the library’s sustainable scholarship, open access publishing, and open educational resources initiatives, in addition to managing the university’s Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) system and institutional repository. Scholarly Communications personnel also make selection and deselection decisions for library collections, advise campus authors on journal selection, and work with colleagues to measure research impact and inform data management practices.


Joyner Security is responsible for the safety and security of the building, assets, staff, and patrons. The Security staff are responsible for opening and closing the building and are on duty during all operating hours. Security staff can be found at the Security Desk in the front lobby and are responsible for “lost & found” items in the library.

Special Collections Cataloging

Special Collections Cataloging serves the library’s user community by ensuring library resources are findable and accessible. The department catalogs books, manuscripts, and other unique materials for all areas of Special Collections and the Teaching Resources Center. It provides metadata for resources in the Digital Collections Repository, and metadata support and consultations for projects involving the provision of digital materials to the library user community. It also submits authority records (focusing on Eastern North Carolina names) to the national name authority cooperative program, or NACO.

Teaching Resources Center

The Colonel Richard M. and Betty Debnam Hunt Teaching Resources Center (TRC) contains children and young adult materials, K-12 North Carolina state adopted textbooks, multi-media, guided readers, teaching aids, and reference resources. It includes instructional spaces, computers, and a reference service desk. Staff teach instructional sessions and provide research assistance. The department primarily serves students enrolled in teacher education programs and educators in eastern North Carolina. The Ann Rhem Schwarzmann Production Center is located in the TRC. It includes equipment and supplies to assist in the creation of materials used in classrooms, lessons, and presentations.

University History and Records

University History and Records appraises, preserves, and makes accessible historical records concerning all aspects of East Carolina University’s past. University Archives serves the university community by acting as a final, central repository for items related to the administrative, academic, legal, fiscal, social, and cultural interactions of the individuals, departments, and programs present on campus since 1907. In addition to managing the records retention program, Records Management works with university employees in managing their current, active records in accordance with federal, state, and campus regulations. It administers comprehensive trainings for departments and individuals.