Exhibit ends with student celebration

Art of colorful pieces inside a decorative braid.

One of the colorful examples in the 17th annual School of Art and Design Graduate Student Art Exhibition.

The 17th annual School of Art and Design Graduate Student Art Exhibition was on display through February in the Janice Hardison Faulkner Gallery.

The 15 participating artists were: William Aley, Katelyn Davis, Paul Edwards (School of Art and Design Director’s Award), Denton Fae, Heather Fraccalvieri, Sam Gorritz, Austin Irby, Rachael Lowman, Ryan McDowell, Haley McElroy (College of Fine Arts and Communication Dean’s Merit Award), Tansy O’Bryant (School of Art and Design Award), Narges Sedaghat, Ada Smolen Morton, Autumn Standbridge (Friends of the Library Purchase Award winner) and Savannah Willis.

This annual exhibit features artwork by current graduate students in ECU’s School of Art and Design in the College of Fine Arts and Communication. Works include prints, textile designs, metal, weaving, ceramics, watercolor and more to display in the Faulkner Gallery. One participating student each year wins the Friends of Joyner Library Purchase Award.

Learn more about past SOAD exhibitions via the library website for the annual School of Art and Design Graduate Student Art Exhibition.