Archives Month Highlight: Exploring Historic Library Footage
To celebrate Archives Month and the Society of North Carolina Archivists’ theme “What Puts You on the Map,” University History and Records is highlighting our footage of Joyner Library. Joyner Library has been the home of University History and Records since the establishment of University Archives in November 1981.
We recently digitized reel-to-reel video recordings of campus life from the 1970s as part of our ongoing project to digitize all our audiovisual materials with long-term historic value. We want to share this montage of 1970s footage from our main campus library that shows what the library was like, how things have changed, and how some aspects of the library remain the same today.
The footage is narrated by former Library Director Dr. Ralph Russell, who is shown standing in the new book alcove. He served as Library Director between 1973 and 1975. The footage of the exterior of the library shows what the building looked like prior to renovations in the 1990s. Dr. Russell speaks about the new additions and renovations to the building. Construction on the west wing of Joyner Library was completed in 1973. The connecting area between the east and west wings, which contained the circulation desk and card catalogs, is featured in the footage. Also shown are large stack areas and study spaces for students in the west wing.
One of the major changes to the library was one we may take for granted today. Prior to 1973, the library had only closed stacks, so patrons had to submit a request form for the books they wanted to check out, which librarians would then retrieve. During the renovation the library converted to open stacks and began allowing students to freely browse the shelves and select their books themselves.
Dr. Russell discusses how renovations and improvements benefited the library by increasing the number of patrons and quality of service. This goal of making the library inviting and accessible to all patrons is still our goal today.
You can watch the full-length videos, which show other parts of campus, such as Whichard Building, Mendenhall Student Center, and Ficklen Stadium, Chancellor Leo Jenkins, state legislators, as well as scenes of Greenville in the library’s Digital Collections.
Buccaneer, 1974, pg. 63,,/0/default.jpg
Buccaneer, 1974, pgs. 205-207,
The East Carolinian, November 12, 1981,
Fountainhead, September 13, 1973,
Fountainhead, January 17, 1974,