Disability Services

We are dedicated to providing assistance for people with disabilities. It is helpful to make an appointment with us prior to arrival, especially on nights and weekends.


Handicapped parking permits are available from the ECU Parking and Transportation Services located at 305 East Tenth Street. Normal business hours are 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Consult their website for changes to these hours. There is a parking fee.


There is a ramp and automatic door at the main entrance to Joyner Library for wheelchairs. There is no automatic wheelchair access to the Music Library. For assistance entering the Music Library please call 252-328-6250.

Retrieving Library Materials

Library staff in the Circulation Department of Joyner Library and the Music Library will pull material from shelves for people who cannot do so. If possible, please use the Place Hold service to request items in advance to be pulled and held at the service desk. If you cannot request in advance, staff will attempt to pull materials for you at your point of need during your library visit.

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery staff can scan book chapters, periodicals, and microformat items into PDF or TIFF file formats for email delivery and can run text recognition software on them, if desired. These documents can be printed and held at the service desk or mailed to you, if you would prefer. This free service is available to ECU students, faculty, staff, retired faculty and staff, and Friends of Joyner Library. Patrons not affiliated with ECU should request this service from their local public or academic library. Request electronic delivery through interlibrary loan

DVD and Blu-ray Collection

Many DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming media titles have closed captions available. If you would like assistance using closed captioning, ask at a library service desk.

Large Print, Braille, and Audio Books

Books and journals in large print, Braille, or audio formats that the ECU Libraries do not have may be requested for free through the interlibrary loan service. To inquire about interlibrary loan, please call 252-328-6068 or email jis@ecu.edu. During evening and weekend hours, please ask staff at the Circulation Desk for assistance or call 252-328-6518.

The State Library of North Carolina’s Accessible Books and Library Services also can provide an array of materials, services, and equipment, including home delivery of materials, to eligible NC residents. Please contact the State Library’s staff for details and to register. If you live outside of North Carolina, you may ask your state library if similar services are available to you.

ECU Disability Support Services (DSS) and The Office of the ADA Coordinator

East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ECU students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Department for Disability Support Services and ECU staff/faculty may request accommodations from the ADA Coordinator: visit the Accessibility website for contact information for both offices.

Ask a Librarian for Help

If you have any questions about disability library services please use our Ask a Librarian service. Most questions will be answered within 2 working days for ECU students, faculty, and staff and 4 working days for all others. You may also email us directly at askref@ecu.edu or call our Reference Desk at (252) 328-6677 or 1-866-291-5581 (toll free).