Affordable Textbook Initiatives

Alternative Textbook Program logo

Alternative Textbook Program

The Alternative Textbook Program is an initiative for faculty who are interested in replacing traditional textbooks with open textbooks, library subscription materials, or other free materials. Faculty who participate in the program receive a stipend to support the transition to free course materials.

Find the current award winners and more information about this program at the Alternative Textbook Guide.

Course-Adopted Textbook Program

In collaboration with Dowdy Student Stores, ECU Libraries offers select required textbooks as free e-books for students, if available. To check on the availability of textbooks, please visit our Free E-Textbooks List. The list is updated on a semester basis.

Textbook Initiatives Across North Carolina

Open Education Network logo

Open Education Network

The University of North Carolina System is a consortial member of the Open Education Network (OEN). The OEN provides open education training, support, professional development, and resources such as the Open Textbook Library. Additionally, ECU is an OEN Allied Member.

Open Education North Carolina (retired)

This initiative sought to reduce the cost of textbooks for students by focusing on the top 30 classes taught at 2 and 4-year colleges and universities across North Carolina.

If you are interested in learning more about these programs or about open textbooks, please contact Joyner Library at