Friends of Joyner Library Genealogy Workshop Series
How well do you know your ancestors? Jennifer Daugherty, Head of the North Carolina Collection in the ECU main campus library, will help workshop guests explore their ancestral history with three dynamic genealogy workshops. Pick one, or attend all three! Cost is $25 per session. Attendees will learn how to research their family history and stories, as well as dig deep into family roots.
ADA Accommodation: 252-737-1018 or
Getting Started with Genealogy
This class will guide you through the initial steps of beginning your family history research. Essential records for beginners will be covered along with helpful websites. There will be time at the end to practice what you learn.
Tuesday, March 12
Max attendance: 20
Purchase Class
Advanced Genealogy Skills
This session delves deeper into how to expand your family history research. More complex topics like finding immigration records, how to use DNA for genealogy, and unexpected places to look for information will be covered. Time at the end will be reserved for practice.
Tuesday, March 26th,
Max attendance: 20
Preserving Voices: A Guide to Telling Family Stories Through Oral History
Family history stories bring genealogy to life. Learn the skills to conduct interviews with family members to effectively capture their unique story. A brief review of the technical aspects of recording interviews will be covered. Participants will have a chance to practice their interviewing skills.
Tuesday, April 9th
Max attendance: 20