Thompson Student Award

Pictured: Marie Thompson and 2023/2024 Student Employee winners
Marie & James Thompson Student Employee Award
Marie Thompson and her late husband James both served as members of the Joyner Library Advancement Council for many years. They generously contributed four $500 awards to be given to student employees of Joyner Library on a yearly basis.
Winners demonstrate good work ethic, serve as examples for their peers within the workplace, and contribute to the mission of Joyner Library.
Students must be currently enrolled as a full-time student at ECU and must have worked at Joyner Library for at least one semester.
APPLY! James & Marie Thompson Student Employee Award
2024/2025 AWARD
We are pleased to announce the Marie and James Thompson Student Award for student employees of Joyner Library.
Marie Thompson and her late husband James both served as members of the Joyner Library Advancement Council for many years. They generously contributed four $500 awards to be given to student employees of Joyner Library.
Four awards will be given this cycle.
Awards will be distributed in May 2025 and are processed through ECU Financial Aid.
Please submit applications and/or questions to:
Eryn Staib, chair of the Thompson Award Committee, at
Qualification criteria for the James and Marie Thompson Student Award
- Student must be currently enrolled as a full-time student at ECU.
- Student must have worked at Joyner Library for at least one semester.
- Student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. For undergraduates this is at least a 2.0 GPA, for graduate students this is at least a 3.0 GPA.
Required materials for application:
- Student Resume
- Student Cover Letter
- Please describe how your work experience at Joyner or the Music Library will prepare you for your future goals.
- Please describe how you balance class and other commitments with work.
- 1 letter of recommendation from a full-time staff or faculty member in your department.
Applications are due Friday, March 7, 2025 by 5pm. Late applications will not be considered.
Email your completed application to