Floor Maps

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Floor plan of all floors of the Joyner Library

First Floor

Joyner 1st Floor Plan

The first floor contains Circulation/Reserves, Research and Instructional Services, Security, Interlibrary Loan, University Writing Program, Office of Faculty Excellence, Instruction Classrooms, Collections & Technical Services, Starbucks, and the Communications Studio.

Second Floor

Floorplan- Joyner second floor

The second floor contains the Teaching Resources Center (TRC), Administration, Joyner Stacks (A – JZ,), Study Rooms, Ann R. Schwarzmann Production Center, and Michael F. Bassman Study Lounge

Third Floor

Floorplan- Joyner Third floor

The third floor contains the North Carolina Collection, University Archives, Study Rooms, and Joyner Stacks (K – L, N – Z, Oversize).

Fourth Floor

Floorplan-Joyner Fourth floor

The fourth floor contains Manuscripts & Rare Books, and the Rare Book Room.

Floorplan 24Joyner_0

The basement contains the Pirate CAVE (math computer lab), DVDs, Compact Journals, Compact Stacks, Compact Reference, Federal Documents, Microforms, Maps, and the Cold War and Internal Security Collection.