New access to Pressbooks publishing

The main campus library at East Carolina University is excited to announce new access to Pressbooks. Pressbooks allows authors to create Open Educational Resources that are both free for students and openly licensed, so they can be adapted to local contexts, Alternatively, if instructors find a preexisting textbook with sections that they like in the Pressbooks directory that is appropriately licensed, they can clone a copy of that textbook and adapt it to meet the needs of their class.

With Pressbooks, authors can create course materials that are interactive and include things like images, videos, h5p, the annotation tool hypothesis and other media types. H5p allows for creating interactive content like quizzes, charts, image hotspots and more options. These books can be viewed on the web or exported into a variety of different formats such as PDF and EPUB.

Pressbooks offers monthly training that can be found on the Pressbooks website.

Additionally, there will be a training workshop through OFE on Nov. 19 at 2 p.m. Registration is here. There will also be a demonstration of Pressbooks at the Digital Humanities Lunch and Learn series Sept. 15 from noon-1 p.m. The meeting link is here.

For more information about creating a textbook or other OER through Pressbooks, email open access librarian Allison Kaefring at or