2016 Annual Report
The 2016 Annual Report features photographs and student quotations that highlight the importance of Joyner Library to East Carolina University students. The faculty and staff of Joyner Library work as a team every day to help students enhance their information literacy skills, locate and evaluate resources, use technology, and create new knowledge. As a research library, we support authors through every stage of the scholarly communication life cycle. We make a difference to students through our textbook affordability programs, distance education services, and exam week stress busters. We can’t do it without your support. Thanks to the many library supporters who have given their time, talent and resources to help Joyner Library achieve its mission. Go Pirates!
For more information or with questions please contact:
Heather White, Assistant Director for Assessment & Engagement
Joyner Library – East Carolina University
(252) 328-2870 or whiteh@ecu.edu