New Bern Archives

Jun 02, 2015

Thomas Smith Deed for 240 Acres, Bladen County, NC, 25 Sept. 1799

Source:  Ralph C. Deal Collection (ECU Manuscript Collections #0027) Staff Person:  Jonathan Dembo Description: This deed, survey and plat seen above, dated 25 September 1799, granting 240 acres of land in...

Apr 17, 2012

Concrete River Steamers of World War I, ca. 1921

Source: John B. Green Collection #380.2.b Staff Person: Jonathan Dembo Description: Seen in the photograph above are four, unnamed, concrete-hulled river steamers at the Newport Shipping Corporation shipyard, in New...

Jul 09, 2010

Pepsi Party at Bradham Drug Store, Bradham & Friends, 1890’s

Staff Pick for June 18th Source: The Minges Collection, East Carolina Manuscript Collection #1136 Staff Person: Lynette Lundin Description: This collection documents the history of the Minges family in the...

May 21, 2010

New Bern, North Carolina, 1908 Post Card

Source: Tabitha Marie DeVisconti Papers #480 Staff Person: Martha Elmore Description: New Bern was founded in 1710 and is North Carolina's second oldest town.  This post card, bearing a 1908...