East Carolina University Archives

Jan 09, 2009

ECU Historic Documentation of Support Staff

Source: University Archives Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: Many university archives are increasingly trying to increase documentation of under-represented groups in archival collections including African-American, Latino, Asian American, Native Americans,...

Nov 21, 2008

Faculty Meeting on Wright Inauguration and Formation of Students Council

Source: University Archives Record Group SL2600 Staff Person: Brian Johnson Description: The image below is of the East Carolina Teachers Training School faculty meeting minutes from Nov. 1, 1909. In...

Nov 14, 2008

Use of Closed Circuit TV Marks the Beginning of ECU’s Technological Progress

Source: University Archives     Staff Person: L. K. Gypsye Legge Description: In 2008, East Carolina University celebrates the Golden Anniversary of homecoming with our Golden Class: the graduates of...

Nov 03, 2008

ECU’s Historic Relationship with the Railroad

Source: University Archives     Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: The first years of East Carolina University's history are in many ways tied to the railroad. The Atlantic Coastline Railroad...

Sep 19, 2008

Student Handbook

Source: University Archives, E.C. 378.756 Ea771k 1926-34 Staff Person: Brian Johnson Description: The images below are from the 1926-1927 Hand Book of East Carolina Teachers College. Of particular interest in...

Sep 05, 2008

Pat Dye Show Script, October 21, 1979

Source: University Archives IA0000:18:2:1:1; IA0000:18:2:1:3 Staff Person: L. K. Gypsye Legge Description: Every fall, as the leaves begin to color and the air get cooler, thoughts at many campuses turn...

Aug 22, 2008

We Choose America

Source: We Choose America, Hoover E 169.1.W5x Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: We Choose America was East Carolina University's literary contribution to the 1976 American bi-centennial. Written at the height...

Jul 03, 2008

Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics

Source: University Archives, Call #AA0100/16/1/J39 Staff Person: L.K. Gypsye Legge Description: This is an image of a little volume titled Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. This small book may...

May 02, 2008

Barefoot on the Mall 2008

Source: University Archives (digital image being accessioned) Staff Person: L.K. Gypsye Legge Description: Last week we enjoyed delightful weather in Eastern North Carolina. Thursday, the 24th of April was sunny...

Feb 29, 2008

The Library Club, from the 1958 Buccaneer and Synergy, 2008

Source: University Archives, Special Ref LB 1927.E3x 1958 Staff Person: L.K. Gypsye Legge Description: As we continue to celebrate ECU's Centennial through 2009 there are many times that looking at...