East Carolina University Archives

Jan 29, 2010

Travel for Academic Credit

Source: Paul Ricks Papers, University Archives #UA90-02, East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: In 1935, East Carolina Teachers College obtained the services of Paul T. Ricks...

Oct 23, 2009

Women’s 1915 Basketball Team

Source: University Archives, Call Number 55-01-0082 Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: Between 1909 and 1932, the only organized sports teams at East Carolina Teachers College were women's teams. Women's basketball...

Oct 16, 2009

1918 Flu Pandemic nickname “Spanish Flu”, March 1918 to June 1920

Source: University Archives Staff Person: Lynette Lundin Description: Health conditions at ECTTC are one of the major topics mentioned in the Board of Trustees minutes from 1918. There were 141...

Jul 31, 2009

UN Walkout

Source: University Archives Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: On Friday, April 7, 1967, eight delegates from North Carolina College at Durham (now North Carolina Central University) and Florida A&M University,...

Jul 24, 2009

ECU Facilities Services

Source: Guide to the Daily Reflector Negative Collection, East Carolina Manuscript Collection, #741 Staff Person: L. K. Gypsye Legge Description: The humidity is getting thicker and you are more likely...

Jun 26, 2009

President Wright’s Chapel Talk Concerning the Budget

Source: University Archives, Chancellor's Office, Record Group CH1050, Series 2, Subseries 1, Box 1, Folder 6 Staff Person: Brian Johnson Description: The images below are from East Carolina Teachers College...

May 15, 2009

The Model School

Source: University Archives, Call Number 50-20-1918 Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: Also known as the practice school, the training school, and the laboratory school, the East Carolina Teachers Training School...

May 08, 2009

1993 Commencement

Source: University Archives Staff Person: L. K. Gypsye Legge Description: As the days lengthen and become even warmer, activity on campus reaches an annual peak. Faculty and students prepare for...

Mar 20, 2009

Students’ gardens at East Carolina Teachers Training School, 1914

Source: University Archives Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: In his 1910 report to the Board of Trustees, the president of East Carolina Teachers Training School, Robert Wright, requested land for...

Feb 06, 2009

Edward R. Murrow Delivering 1963 Commencement Speech

Source: University Archives, UW0000:2:14:a:3 Staff Person: L. K. Gypsye Legge Description: As the spring semester advances, graduation may seem in the distant future, but in about 12 weeks students will...