communism Archives

Apr 22, 2013

Letter from President Richard Nixon

Source:  Robert Morgan Papers (#237) East Carolina Manuscript Collection Staff Person:  Dale Sauter Description:  Letter from President Richard Nixon thanking Robert Morgan, North Carolina Attorney General, for his support of...

Jan 22, 2013

Nuclear Age

  Source: The Daily Reflector Image Collection East Carolina MC #741.28.f.45 Staff Person: Dale Sauter Description:  Over seventy years ago, on December 2, 1942, the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was...

Jun 04, 2010

Black Man in Red Russia

Staff Person: Ralph Scott Source: Homer Smith, Black Man in Red Russia, Chicago, Johnson Publishing Company, 1964, Hoover Collection DK 267 S587 Description: Black Man in Red Russia relates the...

Jan 08, 2010

Programme & Constitution of the Communist Party of Lesotho

Source: Programme & Constitution of the Communist Party of Lesotho, Hoover DT 2618.C65 1960 Programme & Constitution of the Communist Party of Lesotho Staff Person: Maury York Description: Lesotho is...

Sep 04, 2009

S.S. Utah – A Banned Book

Source: S.S. Utah, Hoover PS 3531.E2967 S1 1933 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: Mike Pell's S.S. Utah is an example of the genre of proletarian fiction. Proletarian fiction written in...

Aug 22, 2008

We Choose America

Source: We Choose America, Hoover E 169.1.W5x Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: We Choose America was East Carolina University's literary contribution to the 1976 American bi-centennial. Written at the height...

Jun 20, 2008

Who Wants War?: How the Soviet Union Builds for Peace

Source: Who Wants War?: How the Soviet Union Builds for Peace: an eye-witness report, Hoover HC336 C53 1951 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: The Korean War had "stabilized" by June...

Apr 25, 2008

Dig We Must ! – Into the Coal Operators’ Profits!

Source: Dig We Must! - Into the Coal Operators’ Profits!, Hoover HD8039.M615 D5 1970 Staff Person: Maury York Description: With the approach of May Day, the Special Collections Department features...

Sep 14, 2007

Constitutional Education League

Source: Vote CIO and Get a Soviet America, Hoover E812 K36 1944 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: The Constitutional Education League was founded shortly after World War I to combat...

Jul 06, 2007

The Workers Vanguard

Source: Workers Vanguard, uncataloged periodical, Hoover Collection Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: The Workers Vanguard is the official publication of the International Communist League (Fourth International). The International Communist League...