architecture Archives

May 03, 2016

Construction History at ECU

Source: 55-01-0506 University Archives Staff Person: Dale Sauter Description:  Since we are under considerable construction at present, the following image offers some past history of construction of and around Joyner...

May 19, 2011

City of Greenville, North Carolina

Source: Junius D. Grimes Papers (#571) Staff Person: Lynette Lundin Description: Take a step back in time to 1914 Greenville, N. C., in this C. E. Weaver Series, “Illustrated Cities”,...

Feb 17, 2011

Shoveling snow in Greenville, 1958

Source: Daily Reflector Negative Collection, Manuscript Collection #741 Staff Person: Maury York Description: A photographer for the Daily Reflector, Greenville, N.C., captured this view in December 1958 of a man...

May 21, 2010

New Bern, North Carolina, 1908 Post Card

Source: Tabitha Marie DeVisconti Papers #480 Staff Person: Martha Elmore Description: New Bern was founded in 1710 and is North Carolina's second oldest town.  This post card, bearing a 1908...

Jun 05, 2009

Pitt County Courthouse, ca. 1900

Source: Moore Family Papers, East Carolina Manuscript Collection, #275 Staff Person: Maury York Description: This postcard depicts the Pitt County Courthouse prior to its destruction by fire in 1910. Located...

Mar 13, 2009

National Bank Building, Greenville, N.C.

Source: Tabitha Marie DeVisconti Papers, East Carolina Manuscript Collection, #480 Staff Person: Maury York Description: National Bank Building, Greenville, N.C. This post card depicts the National Bank Building, which was...

Aug 01, 2008

Doctor’s Office at Penny Hill in Pitt County, N.C.

Source: Jan Sellers Coward Collection, East Carolina Manuscript Collection, #1112 Staff Person: Martha Elmore Description: This photograph is a circa 1960s image of the deteriorating doctor's office in the Penny...

Jul 27, 2007

Detail of Site Plan – Staked Haybale

Source: University Archives BA3010/1 Staff Person: L. K. Gypsye Legge Description: As so many processes become "digitally born" it is refreshing to look back to simpler times. This image, part...