University Archives Archives

Jan 29, 2013

The Dave Brubeck Quartet

Source:  University Archives Photograph Collection, 55-01-5833 Staff Person:  Kacy Guill Description: In the Fall of 1957, the Student Government Association invited the Dave Brubeck Quartet to play at East Carolina...

Dec 04, 2012

Juanita Worsley Williams

Source: East Carolina University Centennial Oral History Collection, 45-05-01-14: Staff Person:  Lynette Lundin Description: Juanita Williams grew up in Rocky Mount, North Carolina she was one of 13 children. She...

Nov 12, 2012

Sadie Hawkins Day Race

Source:  University Archives Visual Materials Collection Staff Person:  Arthur Carlson Description: This photo from the University Archives shows East Carolina students participating in a 1953 Sadie Hawkins Day Race (UA55-01-4841). By tradition,...

Oct 23, 2012

William Clyde Friday 1920 – 2012

Source: Joyner Library Digital Collections Identifer: 55-01-1676 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description:  William Clyde "Bill" Friday (July 13, 1920 – October 12, 2012) served as the head of the University...

Jul 03, 2012

Rise Stevens

Source:  University Archives Yearbook Collection, 1943 (UA50-01-1943-165). Staff Person:  Arthur Carlson Description:  This image from the University Archives features famed opera singer Rise Stevens. Born Rise Steenberg, 11 June 1913...

May 22, 2012

Farmer’s Day

Source:  University Archives 55-01-1927 Staff Person:  Kacy Guill Description:  John Messick, president of East Carolina College, is riding in a Chevy Bel Air in the Farmville, North Carolina Farmer's Day...

May 15, 2012

World’s Fastest Typist

Source: University Archives UA55-01-8226 Staff Person: Arthur Carlson Description: This picture from the University Archives features Cortez W. Peters, Sr who held the world record as the World's Fastest Typist...

Feb 15, 2012

George Washington Tree

Source:  University Archives 55-01-4812 Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: Tree planting celebration at East Carolina Teachers College in honor of George Washington.  The tree planting occurred on the  bicentennial of...

Jun 21, 2011

YWCA Retreat, 1943

Source:  YWCA Collection, UA 45.01 Staff Person:  Arthur Carlson Description: This photograph features members of the 1943 Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) at their leadership retreat at Camp Leach, near...

Jun 07, 2011

Leo Jenkins Inauguration

Source: Leo W. Jenkins Papers (UA90.06) Staff Person: Kacy Guill Description: Jolinda Brewer, Judy Redfern, Susie Street, and David Gaines stand next to a road sign announcing the inauguration of...