Special Collections Reference Archives

Jun 06, 2023
  • Patrick Cash

Joyner Library Special Collections Remembers D-Day, June 6, 1944

Today, we remember the brave individuals who took part in the Normandy landings, more commonly referred to as D-Day, on June 6, 1944. 79 years ago today, roughly 160,000 Allied...

Jan 10, 2023
  • Kelly Spring

New Research Room Reservation System

Announcing our new system for research room reservations! No longer will you need to use three different online links feeling shook up like a game of Boggle. Instead, you’ll be...

Apr 15, 2019
  • Roger Kammerer

Otway Burns Exhibition

A new exhibition entitled "Captain Otway Burns: Privateer, Shipbuilder, and Legislator" will be on display in the North Carolina Collection on the 3rd floor from April-August 2019. Burns became renowned...

Jun 30, 2016

Saudi Arabian Guests February 12-14, 1945

Source: David L. Byrd Papers (#734.1.c) Staff Person: Jonathan Dembo On his return from the Yalta Conference in February 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, met King Saud [Abdul Aziz Ibn...

Jun 02, 2015

Thomas Smith Deed for 240 Acres, Bladen County, NC, 25 Sept. 1799

Source:  Ralph C. Deal Collection (ECU Manuscript Collections #0027) Staff Person:  Jonathan Dembo Description: This deed, survey and plat seen above, dated 25 September 1799, granting 240 acres of land in...

Nov 27, 2012

Fannie Wallace Letter to Mannie & Sissie Tuten 29 July 1863

Greensboro, N. Ca. July 29th 63 Dear Marney & Sissie I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how we are. We are well and hope you the same. Cousin Fannie and Cecie is staying with us. I wish you were with us. Nancie says please try and get her some snuff. I am writing with Confederate ink. I am writing on a Confederate spelling Book. I went to a Ball and Danced with two Confederate officers. Give my love to Aunt Mary Ann and Family, Uncle and Family, Mrs. Gardner and Family, and Mrs. Betry and receive a share for yourself and Sissie. Kiss Ephey for me. There is not any more News at present. All join me in love Good bye Excuse write as soon as you can. This from you affectionate Grand Daughter Fannie Wallace Fannie Wallace to Mannie & Sissie, 1863 07 29 Arthur Whitford Papers #18.1.a...

Apr 03, 2012

Russian Phrase Book

4 April 2012 Source: Special Collections Reference Collection PG2689 .U56 1943 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: This restricted World War II publication by the War Department "contains the Russian words...

Apr 18, 2011

Domestic Disturbances

Special Collections Reference U 230 .U6 1945 United States Army Field Manuals are currently published by the Army's Publishing Directorate. Over 500 manuals are currently in use. They provided detailed...