Imported Archives

Oct 28, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

Merrill Moore X-Ray

  Source: Stuart Wright Rare Book Collection 59-23 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: X-Ray photograph of Merrill Moore, author of The Noise that Time Makes. Photograph is captioned "because his...

Oct 20, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

Elbert Carpenter Civil War Letter

State of N.C. Edgecom County November the 26 1862 Dear and affectionet father and Mother It is with great pain that I seat my selfe to drope you a few lines to in form you that Brother Wiet [Wyatt] is Ded he Did one the 26 of this month he has Bin Sicke fore a month he Will be Bered here the Doctor has never told me What the Diseas Was so I cant say What Was the matter With him Dear and affectionate father and Mother I am Well at this more than Bad cole I hope that Whern this letter gits to hand it Will find you all in joying good halthe i want you to write to me as soon as you gitre this letter if you pleas it Dos give me great pleasure to reseve a letter from you James. Died on the 21 of this mohth and Was Bered here in this plas. Dear father Direct your letters to Tarbour in care of N A Ramsey the 61 Regiment company D Elbert Carpenter. ...

Oct 14, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

Andy Griffith Letter to John D. Messick

Source: UA 02.05 - John D. Messick Papers Staff Person: Arthur Carlson Description: Mt. Airy, North Carolina native Andy Griffith attained worldwide fame for his portrayal of two of television’s...

Oct 01, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

Hurricane Donna Damage

Source:  Daily Reflector Negative Collection #741 Staff Person:  Martha Elmore Description:  According to NOAA, Hurricane Donna is the only hurricane on record to produce hurricane-force winds along the entire Atlantic...

Sep 26, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

View of the town of Greenville from cupola of Pitt County Courthouse

Source: Daily Reflector Negative Collection Staff Person: Maury York Description: This photograph depicts painters working on the cupola of the Pitt County Courthouse in Greenville. Area structures are shown in...

Sep 09, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

ECU Winners of the O. Max Gardner Award

Source: UW0000/02/03/A/.1/HOWELL University Archives Staff Person: Maury York Description: In 1983, three recipients from East Carolina University of the University of North Carolina's O. Max Gardner Award--Ovid Pierce, Francis Speight,...

Sep 02, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

Ellen Zukunft McGrew

Source: Ellen Zukunft McGrew Papers, 1942-1958; East Carolina Manuscript Collection #723 Staff Person: Nanette Hardison Description: This featured portrait is of Ellen Zukunft McGrew of Portland, Maine, an X-ray technician who...

Aug 26, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

First A.A.F. Bombardment Crew to Raid Germany

Source: Frank A. Armstrong, Jr. Papers Staff Person: Dale Sauter Description: Colonel Frank Armstrong with air crew in front of bomber. This 306th Heavy Bomber Group, Army Air Forces crew...

Jul 29, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

Bob Hope Tours in Alaska

Frank Armstrong Papers Ralph Scott Bob Hope was known for touring American troops overseas. This photograph was taken in the 1950's when Hope was visiting Air Force Bases in the...

Jul 23, 2010
  • Jennifer Daugherty

U. S. Army Provost Marshal’s Office Pass No. 11382 (1863)

Source: Shirley Kilpatrick Collection #10.1.d. Staff Person: Jonathan Dembo Description: U. S. Army Provost Marshal's Office Pass No. 11382 was issued in Union-occupied New Orleans on 4 February 1863.  It...