Emeritus Faculty Listing

This is an alphabetical listing of emeritus faculty who have worked at East Carolina University. Information given is name, department, beginning and ending dates of employment.


Aceto, Michael.* English, Unknown start date-2023
Acevez, Luis.* Foreign Language and Literatures, 1969-1992
Adams, Barbara F. Nursing, Unknown start-end dates
Adams, Kelly. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2021
Adler, Carl G.* Physics, 1965-1999
Adler, Phillip J.* History, 1996-1993
Ajose, Sunday.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Albright, Donald Alexander. English, 1984-2018
Allen, Wendell E. Biology, Unknown start-end dates
Alpers, Robert. Theatre and Dance, 2010-2011
Ambert, Gary John. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start date-2002
Anderson, Kimberly. Literacy Studies, English and History Education, Unknown start date- 2024
Anderson, Patricia. College of Education, Unknown start date-2023
Anselmi, Kenneth. College of Business, 1995-2017
Arnd-Caddigan, Margaret. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2022
Arnold, Ellen. History, Unknown start-end dates
Arnold, Vivian. College of Education, 1988-1998
Aronson, Nicole.* Foreign Language, 1970-1995
Aronson, Stuart R. Continuing Education, 1972-1990
Atkeson, John Connor, Jr.* History, 1967-1994
Atkinson, Terry. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Auld, Lawrence. W.S. School of Communication, Unknown start date-2003
Ayers, Caroline. Chemistry, 1967-1999
Ayers, Paul. Chemistry, 1967-2000


Babits, Lawrence E. History, Unknown start-end dates
Bailey, Donald E.* College of Education, 1961-1994
Batie, David L. College of Engineering and Technology, Unknown start date-2022
Baker, Ira L. English, 1968-1980
Baker, Judy. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Baker, Simon* Geography, 1978-1995
Ball, John R. Social Work, 1967-1993
Ball, Wilbert R. Education Center for Counseling and Student Development, 1994-1994
Barnes, Robert C. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2010
Baro, Jose. Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1965-1992
Bass, Kenneth E.* Business, Unknown start-end dates
Bath, Charles.* School of Music, 1966-2009
Batten, James W.* English, 1960-1989
Batten, Sara Magdalene Storey.* Academic Library Services, 1960-1977
Bays, Carson W. Economics, Unknown start date-2011
Belcik, Francis P. Biology, 1965-1998
Bellis, Vincent J., Jr. Biology, 1966-1998
Benedict, Ruth. Nursing, Unknown start-end dates
Bennett, Anne. Academic Library Services, Unknown start-end dates
Benz, Carlton.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Biehn, Donald. School of Theatre and Dance, Unknown start date-2005
Billingsley, Carl. College of Fine Arts and Communication, 1992-2014
Birchard, Ralph.* Geography, 1968-1982
Bissinger, George. Physics, Unknown start date-2007
Bizzaro, Patrick A. English, Unknown start date-2008
Bland, Charles E. Biology, Unknown start date-2006
Blinson, Delma. College of Education, 1984-1996
Bloss, William. Criminal Justice, Unknown start-2023
Boccaccio, Mary A.* Academic Library Services, Unknown start-end dates
Bohannon, Judith, Human Environmental Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Bolande, Robert P. Medicine, 1983-1982
Bolen, Larry M. Psychology, Unknown start date-2011
Bolton, Catherine A. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2001
Booth, Mavis R. Drama and Speech, 1964-1989
Borisoff, Ann. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start date-2021
Boschetti, Margaret. Human Environmental Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Boswell, Boni B. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2012
Bova, Ken. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2020
Bowman, Josie. College of Nursing, Unknown start date-2022
Boxberger, Ruth* School of Music, 1967-1987
Boyce, Emily S.* College of Education, Unknown start date-1992
Boyette, Evelyn Gorham.* History, 1964-1982
Boyette, Joseph G.* Biology, 1957-1989
Bradley, John H.* Business, Unknown start-end dates
Bragaw, Don.* College of Education, 1989-1997
Brandon, Dorothy.* Business, Unknown start date-1987
Brannan, Oscar W. Mathematics, 1960-1990
Brehm, Anita.* Elementary and Middle Grades Education, 1969-1994
Briley, Anne Shelton. Academic Library Services, 1966-1985
Brinson, Mark M. * Biology, Unknown start-end dates
Broadhurst, Frederick L. Construction Management, 1960-1988
Broadhurst, Ruth.* Nursing, 1961-1989
Brockman, Dorothy Price. Academic Library Services, 1969-1990
Broome, Charles L. Business, 1970-1990
Brown, Bob. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Brown, Charles Q. Geology, 1965-1993
Brown, Wyatt.* History, Unknown start-end dates
Bruner, James R.* Criminal Justice, 1984-1994
Bova, Ken. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2020
Buck, Manolila F. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start-end dates
Buckner, Kermit. College of Education, Unknown start date-2022
Bunch, Shelia. Social Work, Unknown start date-2020
Bunger, Robert. Anthropology, Unknown start date-2021
Burroughs, Mary. School of Music, 1987-2019
Byrd, William Carlton.* Community Health, 1970-1985


Cain, Myra. English, Unknown start date-unknown end date
Cain, William E. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2000
Calhoun, Walter T.* History, 1960-1990
Campbell, James. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-1999
Campbell, Patricia. School of Art and Design, 1996-1996
Capen, Margaret. Management Information Systems, 1981-2018
Capen, Dr. Margaret. Business, 1981-2018
Capwell, Richard L. English, 1957-1985
Carabello, Blasé. Cardiovascular Sciences, Unknown start date-2020
Carawan, Lena. School of Social Work, 1993-2018
Carlin, Kerry. School of Music, Unknown start date-2017
Carlton, Herbert R.* Political Science, Unknown start-end dates
Carroll, Dashiell V., Jr. College of Fine Arts and Communication, Unknown start date-2023
Carroll, Elizabeth. Child Development and Family Relations, Unknown start date-2015
Carson, William S. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Carter, Herbert Leland.* School of Music, 1956-1991
Carter, Scott. School of Music, Unknown start date-2020
Caspar, Myron L. Chemistry, Unknown start-end dates
Castano-Schultz, Susana. Foreign Languages and Literature, Unknown start date-2008
Castellow, Wilbur A. Psychology, 1968-1994
Caston, Richard. Sociology, Unknown start date-2020
Cellucci, Anthony. Psychology, unknown start date-2022
Chalovich, Joseph. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Unknown start date-2023
Chamberlin, Charles F. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2003
Chambliss, Thomas A. Foundation and Research, 1963-1995
Chamness, Madge S.* Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Chauncey, Beatrice Arlene.* School of Music, 1959-1991
Chenoweth, David H. College Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2010
Cherry, William G. English, 1965-1996
Chestang, Ennis.* Geography, Planning, and Environment, 1965-1996
Chestnut, Dennis E. Psychology Unknown start-end dates
Chin, Robert. Technology Systems, Unknown start-2020
Childers, John S. Psychology, Unknown start date-2002
Christian, Carol. Foreign Languages and Literature, Unknown start date-2010
Clark, Amos O.* Elementary Education, 1962-1990
Clark, Patricia. The school and Theatre and Dance, Unknown start date-2022
Clayton, Dorothy H.* Political Science, Unknown start date-2007
Clemens, Donald F.* Chemistry, 1965-1994
Cobb, William H. * History, Unknown start-end dates
Coble, Charles. College of Education, Unknown start date-2013
Collins, Donald. College of Education, Unknown start date-2000
Collins, William H. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Congleton, Donna K. English, 1965-1996
Congleton, Joseph W.* College of Education, 1964-1995
Conradt, David. Political Science, 1993-2016
Cook, Eleanor. Academic Library Services, August 5, 2008-June 30, 2021
Cooper, Nelson. Recreation and Leisure Studies, 1995-2018
Cope, John. Psychology, Unknown start date-2017
Corwin, Betty Jane. Psychology, 1969-1983
Cotter, Michael G.* Library Science, Unknown start date-2000
Coulter, Byron L. Physics, 1966-1997
Covey, Burrell Montz. Geography, Planning, and Environment, 2009-2019
Cox, Carol. Nursing, Unknown start-end dates
Cramer, Robert Eli. Geography and Planning, 1954-1982
Creech, Roger L. Mathematics, 1963-1995
Crounse, Robert O. Preventive Medicine, 1980-1991
Cullop, Charles P. History, 1968-1990


Dade, Henry Fitzhugh. Academic Library Services, 1954-1981
Dalapas, Antonia. School of Music, 1971-1992
Dancy, Donald R. Community Health, 1972-1985
Daniel, Hal J.* Biology, Unknown start date-2005
Daniels, Hannah F.* Business, Vocational and Technical Education, 1956-1988
Daniels, John.* Mathematics, 1962-1996
Danoff, Jascha. Psychiatric Medicine, 1981-1992
Darby, Leonard. Theatre and Dance, Unknown start date-2014
Darty, Connie R. Tindel.* College of Education, 1977-1984
Daugherty, Frances* School of Art and Design, 1968-1998
Daugherty, Stella M.* Mathematics, 1961-1997
Daughtry, John P. Mathematics, Unknown start date-2007
Davenport, Doris. Allied Health Services, Unknown start-end dates
Davis, A. D. College of Technology and Computer Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Davis, Graham J. Biology, 1959-1987
Davis, Kenneth Joe. Mathematics, Unknown start-end dates
Davis, Trenton. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Debter, Ouida Courson.* Accounting and Finance, 1955-1978
Dennard, David.* History, Unknown start date- 2020
Denney, Robert. Psychology, Unknown start date-2008
Dennison, Doriann. Hospitality Leadership, 1988-2016
DeVanzo, John P. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
DeVille, Kenneth. Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Unknown start date-2023
Devita, Paul. Kinesiology, Unknown start date-2023
Diamond, John. Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Unknown start date-2023
Dickins, Denise. Accounting, College of Business, Unknown start date-2022
Dilworth, Collett. Jr. English, Unknown start-end dates
Dinno, Mumtaz A.* Physics, Unknown start date-2008
Distefano, Joseph. School of Music, 1968-2001
Dock, Stephen V. Foreign Language and Literature, Unknown start-end dates
Donnalley, Judy. Library Science, Academic Library Services, 1969-2001
Donohue, Tracy. Theater and Dance, Unkno3wn start date-2020
Dorsey, Michael A. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2010
Doskey, Henry. School of Music, Unknown start date-2010
Dosser, David. Child Development and Family Relations, Unknown start-end dates
Dotson, Lana Kaye. College of Education, Unknown Start date-2022
Dough, Robert.* College of Education, 1968-1993
Douglas, Frances. Health, P.E., Recreation and Safety, 1966-1991
Douglas, Moore-Monroe, School of Music 2012-2024
Dowell, Paul.* English, Unknown start-end dates
Downing, Clinton.* College of Education, 1974-1991
Drake, Elizabeth.* School of Music, 1946-1977
Drought, Michael. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2020
Dudley, Frances F.* Mathematics, 1965-1989
Duffy, Michael. Art and Design, Unknown Start date-2021
Duke, Donald E. Accounting, Unknown start date-1992
Dunn, Patricia C. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Durham, Thomas W. Psychology, Unknown start date-2007
DuVall, John B.* Technology Systems, Unknown start date-2016


Eagan, Elsie.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Eastman, Brenda. College of Health Social Work, Unknown start date-2019
Eckstein, Louis W. Jr. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Edgell, David. Hospitality Leadership, 2003-2016
Edmiston, Robert S.* School of Art and Design, 1962-1994
Edmiston, Sara J.* School of Art and Design, 1965-1997
Ehinger, Robert F. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Ehlbeck, Michael. College of Fine Arts and Communication, 1980-2014
Eisele, John E. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1986-1995
Ellen, John C., Jr. History, 1969-1991
Ellenberg, Grace M.* Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1967-1987
Ellis, Lena C. Business, 1937-1964
Ellis, Theodore R. English, 1968-1996
Elmore, Ray. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2005
Engleman, Melissa. Unknown start-end dates
Erber, Elmer.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Erdman, Biruta. School of Art and Design, 1977-1993
Ericson, Richard E. Economics, 2003-2018
Evans, Chan. Special Education, Foundations, and Research, Unknown start date-2017
Evans, Rand B.* Psychology, Unknown start-end dates
Evans, Tom. School of Art and Design, 1971-1997, Unknown start-end dates


Faulconer, Johna. College of Education, Unknown start-2023
Fantazzi, Charles. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start-end dates
Farr, Marie. English, Unknown start date-2008
Farrell, Peter. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2012
Faulkner, Janice H.* English, Unknown start-end dates
Fay, Julie. English, Unknown start-end dates
Feldbush, Thomas. Biology, Unknown start date-2008
Felts, W. Michael. Health Education and Promotion, 1986-2018
Fenich, George. College of Business, Unknown Start date-2020
Ferguson, Alfred. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Fernandez, Esther. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start-end dates
Fernandez, Joseph A. Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1966-1986
Ferrell, Henry C. History, Unknown start date-2007
Finch, Alton.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Finch, John.* Psychology, Unknown start-end dates
Fischer, Janet. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-1999
Fischer, Rolando F. Continuing Education, 1975
Fleming, Rhonda. School of Music, 1978-1999
Flint, Lori* Special Education, Foundations, Research, 2007-2019
Floyd, Emmett. College of Education, 1992-2014
Forsythe, William. Nutrition Science, Unknown start date-2015
Fowler, Mary M.* Counselor Education, 1972-1988
Frank, Elliot . School of Music, 1992- 2024
Friend, Sandra. Technology Systems, Unknown start-2022
Fridgen, Joseph. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Fulghum, Robert Schmidt. Microbiology and Immunology, 1972-1996
Funaro, Gregory. School of Theatre and Dance, Unknown start date-2022


Gallagher, Margie L. College of Human Ecology, Unknown start date-2012
Gantt, Robert B. Health, P.E., Recreation and Safety, 1962-1993
Gares, Paul. Geography, Planning, and Environment, 1992-2020
Garrison, Charles. Sociology, Unknown start date-2008
Gartman, William T. Jr. Social Work, 1969-1999
Georgalis, Nicholas. Philosophy and Religious Studies, Unknown start date-2021
Gemperline, Paul. Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date- 2022
Gilbert, Glen. College of Health and Human Performance, Interim Vice Chancellor, 1997-2019
Giles, Davies.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Glascoff, Mary. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Glatthorn, Allan* College of Education Unknown start-end dates
Gluck, Joseph L. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Goodwillie, Carol. Biology, Unknown start-2024
Goodine, Linda. School of Art and Design, Unknown start-2020
Goodwin, Lloyd.* College of Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Gordley, Metz Tran.* School of Art and Design, 1959-1993
Gowen, Robert. History, 1968-2007
Graff, Lorrayne A. Athletics, 1957-1987
Graham, Robert. Psychology, Unknown start-1999
Griffin, Harold C. College of Education, Unknown start date-2005
Griffin, O. Hayden. Engineering, Unknown start date-2021
Grimsley, Jimmie R.* College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2003
Gross, Dawyer Dincoff (Jack).* Philosophy, 1960-1977
Gross, Tennala Abner. Mathematics, 1964-1981
Grossnickle, William F.* Psychology, 1965-2009
Guest, Donald B. Marketing, 1984-1994
Gulati, Umesh C. Business, 1967-1999
Guthrie, Aldine “Al” K. Eastern Area Health Education Center, 1983-1995


Haddock, Betty Jean. Nursing, 1980-1996
Hagan, Joseph.* Business Accounting, 1995-2019
Haggard, Paul. Mathematics, Unknown start date-1960
Hagler, J. Larry. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Haisch, Carl. Surgery, Unknown start-2022
Hairston, Michelle. School of Music, 1987-2019,
Hall, Mabel Lacy.* Home Economics, 1940-1966
Hallberg, William.* History, Unknown start date-2011
Hamblen, J. Fred. Business Administration, 1969-1989
Hamilton,George F.* Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Hampton, Carolyn. Science Education, Unknown start date-1991
Handron, Clement J.* Psychology, Unknown start date-2008
Hancock, Karen. College of Health and Human Performance, 1975-1997
Hankins, William Wesley. Industry and Technology, 1968-2008
Harer, John. Interdisciplinary Studies, Unknown start date-2019
Harju, Beverly L. Psychology, Unknown start date-2008
Harris, Brian LaMont. Foreign Languages and Literature, Unknown start-end dates
Harris, Lawrence Stanley. Medicine, 1977-1998
Harrison, W. David. College of Human Ecology, Unknown start date-2011
Hattendorf, Richard L. Foreign Languages and Literature, Unknown start date-2005
Hawk, Parmalee. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates,
Hayek, Dean Harrison. Physiology, 1970, 1996
Hayes, Myree D. Psychology, 1973-1987
Hayslip, Clifford. Brody School of Medicine, Unknown start-2023
Hedges, Ramon M. Psychology, Unknown start-end dates
Helms, Rufus Marshall. Physics, 1948-1972
Henning, Sylvie. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date-2013
Henry, Otto. School of Music, 1968-1998
Henson, Patricia. Home Economics, 1966-1990
Henson, Patricia G. Home Economics, 1986-1990
Herrin, Virginia Townsend.* English, 1956-1977
Hester, Waverly E. English, 1966-1996
Hicks, Dorothy Mills. English, Unknown start-end dates
Hicks, Clyde Michael. Technology Systems, Unknown start-2022
High, Linda. School of Music, Unknown start date-2014
Hill, Helga. Chemistry, Unknown start-end dates
Hillis, David R.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Hines, Dan R. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Hiss, Clyde S. School of Music, 1965-1995
Hix, James E. Chemistry, Unknown start-end dates
Hoag, Ronald. English, unknown start-end dates
Hodson, Patricia. Physical Therapy, Unknown start date-2023
Holley, William H.* School of Art and Design, Unknown start-end dates
Holsey, Lilla G. College of Education, Unknown start date-2008
Holte, James Craig. English, Unknown start-end dates
Holt, Robert Leroi.* Philosophy, 1950-1984
Hooks, Betty W. Nursing, 1968-1990
Hooks, Edgar W., Jr. Health, P.E., Recreation and Safety, 1966-1990
Hoots, William R., Jr. Industry and Technology, 1964-1993
Horne, Marguerite Cochran. Academic Library Services, 1967-1981
Horns, Phyllis. College of Nursing, Unknown start date-2023
Holsey, Lilla G. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Houmard, Kandy. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2022
Howard, William. Engineering, Unknown start date-2020
Howell, Gladys David. Sociology and Anthropology, 1963-1983
Howell, John M.* Political Science, Chancellor Unknown start-end dates
Hudgins, Herbert. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Hudson, Keith.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Hudson, Richard Page Jr. Medicine, 1991-2000
Huener, Thomas. College of Fine Arts and Communication, Unknown start end-2022
Huggins, Koleen H. History, Unknown start-end dates
Hughes, Karla. College of Human Ecology, Unknown start-end dates
Hughes, R. Eugene. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Hunt, Jerry G. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Hunt, Judith. Business, Unknown start date-2015
Hurley, Gregory C. School of Music, 2001-2019
Hursey, Robert J. Mathematics, Unknown start-end dates


Ingram, Helen.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Inman, E. Jeffrey.* College of Technology and Computer Science, Unknown start-end dates
Inman, Marge. College of Human Ecology, Unknown start-end dates
Inman, Marjori., Human Environmental Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Irons, Malene C. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Irons, Thomas G. Pediatrics, Unknown start date-2022
Ironsmith, E. Marsha* Psychology, Unknown start date-2012
Ito, Takeru. Biology, 1967-1993


Jacoby, Henry. Philosophy and Religious Studies, Unknown start date-2020
Jacobs, Edward. School of Music, 1998- 2024
Jackson, Andrew. Engineering and Technology, Unknown start date-2020
Jenkins, Edgar B. English, 1957-1963
Johnson, Tom. Health and P.E., Unknown start-end dates
Johnson, Cheryl. Human Development and Family Science, Unknown start-2023
Johnsrude, Irwin S. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Jolls, Claudia. Biology, Unknown start date-2021
Jones, Billy. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Jones, Douglas R.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Jones, Harold A. School of Music, 1971-1996
Jones, James G. Medicine, 1975-1997
Jones, JoAnn F. English, Unknown start-end dates
Jones, Kenneth C. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Jones, Raymond L.* Marketing, 1963-1989
Jones, Ruth B. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Jones, Terry. College of Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-2023
Jordan, Rebecca. College of Nursing, Unknown start-2023
Joyce, James. Physics, Unknown start date-2011
Joyner, Robert. Mathematics, 1973-2002
Joyner, Virginia G. Mathematics, 1974-2001
Joyner, Wilton G.* College of Education, 1976-1998
Justiniano, Edson. Physics, Unknown start date-2020


Kallman, Harold. Family Medicine, 1982-1991
Kalmus, Gerhard W. Biology, Unknown start-end dates
Kane, Bernard E. Jr. Industry and Technology, Unknown start-end dates
Kares, Artemis C. Academic Library Services, Unknown start-end dates
Karns, Jack. Finance, Unknown start-2020
Karr, Otis Kenneth, Jr. Athletics,1980-1992
Kauffmann, Paul. Engineering, Unknown start date-2012
Keeler, Andrew. Coastal Studies, Unknown start date-2021
Keller, Norman. School of Art and Design, 1965-1992
Kelley, Timothy. Health Education, 2008-2019
Kester, Diane. College of Education, Unknown start date-2004
Keusch, Richard B. Management, 1973-1990
Khuri, Soumaya M. Mathematics, Unknown start date-2009
Kidd, Susan. Baccalaureate Education, College of Nursing, Unknown start date- 2024
Kiehn, Clifford Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Kim, Joong Ho. Mathematics, 1968-1993
King, Alfred. College of Health and Human Performance, 1972-1994
King, Katherine Hawes. Economics; Business Administration, 1977-1978
King, Lauriston.* Political Science, Unknown start date-2010
Kledaras, Constantine G. Social Work, 1971-1994
Klein, Robert A.* Chemistry, Unknown start-end dates
Knight, Clifford B. Biology, Unknown start-end dates
Knight, George. School of Music, 1962-1995
Knight, Sharon. Health Education and Promotion, 1989-2018
Koonce, Peggy. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Kruger, Douglas W. Technology and Computer Science, Unknown start date-2009
Kruse, Jamie. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start-2023
Kushnick, Theodore. Pediatrics, 1979-1992


Laing, Richard. School of Art and Design, Unknown start-end dates
Lambeth, H.D., Jr. Counseling Center, 1967-1983
Lambie, Ruth Irene. Home Economics, 1947-1977
Lanier, Gene.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Lao, Y. J. Technology and Computer Science, Unknown start-end dates
Lapas, Martha E. Library Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Laughter, Mabel Young. Elementary and Middle Grades Education, 1974-1994
Laupus, William E. Medicine, 1975-1989
Laurie, John S. Biology, 1963-1990
Lawler, Donald. English, 1968-1997, Unknown start-end dates
Lawler, Therese. Nursing, Unknown start-end dates
Lawrence, David P. Geological Science, Unknown start-end dates
Leahy, Palymyra.* Geography, Unknown start-end dates
Leahy, Edward P.* Geography, 1969-1988
Ledbetter, Gorman W.* Accounting, 1960-1991
Ledford, Carolyn.* College of Education, Unknown start date-2009
Leebrick, Gilbert. School of Art and Design, Unknown start-end dates
Leebrick, Jacquelyn. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2009
Leggett, Janice. Nursing, 1973-1974
Leiner, Marion R. Nursing, 1968-1996
Leith, Robert W. Industry and Technology, 1957-1986
Lennon, Donald Ray.* Academic Library Services, 1964-2001
Levey, Betty. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Lewis, Laurette. Social Work, Unknown start-end dates
Li, Chia-Yu. Chemistry, Unknown start-end date
Lilley, Leonard D.* College of Education, 1973-1995
Lindsey, Patricia F. College of Human Ecology, Unknown start-end dates
Linn, Virginia Viola*. School of Music, 1966-1984
Linton, Nannie M.* Mathematics, Unknown start-end dates
Loessin, Edgar Ray. Theatre Arts, 1962-1990
Long, Betty.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Long, David E.* History, Unknown start-end dates
Long, Thomas E.* Psychology, Unknown start date-1999
Longino, Frank Henry, Jr. Marketing, 1975-1982
Loomis, David K. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown Start date- 2022
Love, Nash W., Jr. Home Economics, 1970-1991
Lowry, Jean. Geology, Unknown start-end dates
Lucht, Richard. School of Music, 1967-2002
Lunney, David. Chemistry, Unknown start-end dates
Lunsford, Philip. Technology Systems, Unknown start-2022
Lutz, M. John. Psychology, Unknown start date-2003


Maier, Robert H.* Political Science, 1979-1984
Maiolo, John. Sociology, Unknown start-end dates
Makuck, Peter.* English, Unknown start-end dates
Malby, Maria. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start-end dates
Mangun, William. Political Science, Unknown start date-2012
Manning, Raquel. Foreign Languages, 1962-1993
Manner, Jane. Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education, Unknown start-2022
Mansfield, Joan. School of Art and Design 2009-2018
Markello, James. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Markowski, Edward M. Human Ecology, Unknown start date-2003
Markowski, Elizabeth J. Human Ecology, Unknown start-end dates
Marshall, Ernest C. Philosophy, 1964-1996
Martin, George C., Jr.* Geography, 1948-1975
Martin, Roberta. English, Unknown start-end dates
Martin, William B.* College of Education, 1962-1990
Martinez, Inez W. Nursing, 1960-1988
Martinez, Raymond* Health, P.E., Recreation and Safety, 1954-1986
Mathis, James L. Psychiatric Medicine, 1976-1996
Mattheis, Floyd E.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Matthews, Holly. Anthropology, Unknown start date-2020
Mauger, Richard L. Geological Science, Unknown start date-2009
Mayberry, Nancy. Foreign Languages and Literature, Unknown start-end dates
McAllister, Phyllis J. (Kernan). Counseling Center, 1966-1987
McAuliffe, Maura. College of Nursing, 2002-2022
McCammon, Michael. Kinesiology, 1997-2018
McCammon, Susan. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
McCarty, Richard. Philosophy and Religious Studies, Unknown start date-2020
McConnell, Thomas J. Biology, Graduate School, Unknown start date-2021
McDaniel, Susan J. Griffith. Biology, 1968-1997
McDaniels, Jesse L. Business Administration, 1961-1973
McDowelle, James. Education, 1994-2018
McEnally, Terence E.* Physics, 1967-1994
McGee, James A. Continuing Education and Summer School, 1964-1994
McGhee, Susan. Recreation and Leisure Studies, Unknown start date-2017
McGlohon, Leah L. Academic Library Services, 1966-1996
McIntrye, Roger P.* Business, Unknown start-end dates
McLendon, Walter J.*(Mac). College of Education, 1971-1995
McMillan, Douglas J. English, Unknown start date-2001
Means, Larry W.* Psychology, Unknown start-end dates
Meggs, Susan. College of Health and Human Performance, 2001-2019
Meggs, William. Brody School of Medicine, Unknown start-2023
Mellon, Constance. College of Education, Unknown start date-2005
Meloth, Michael.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Meric, Havva. Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Unknown start date-2016
Merrow, Dorothy Lillian. Nursing, 1980-1993
Middleton, David John. Continuing Education, 1962-1983
Misulis, Katherine. Literacy Studies, English Education, and History Education, 1989-2018
Mitchell, Charles C. Psychology, Unknown start-end dates
Mitchell, Linda Crane. Human Development and Family Science, Unknown start-2022
Mitchelson, Ronald L. Unknown start date-2021
Moll, Kevin. College of Fine Arts and Communication, Unknown start-2023
Monroe, Edwin W.* Renal Medicine, 1968-1990
Mooney, Linda. Sociology, Unknown start date-2013
Moore, Charles. School of Music, 1968-1992
Moore, Charles. Psychology, Unknown start-end dates
Moore, Judy Carol. Academic Library Services, Unknown start date-1999
Moore, Mark. Kinesiology, Unknown start-2024
Moore, Miriam B. Home Economics,1962-1982
Moore, Oscar Keeling.* Business, 1963-1981
Morgan, Carl R. Anatomy and Cell Biology, 1978-1996
Morgan, Hazel B. Nursing, 1973-1993
Morrison, Mary Frances. Academic Library Services, Unknown start-end dates
Morrison, Robert. Chemistry, Unknown start date-2006
Mott, Vivian. Adult and Counselor Education, start date-2017
Muller, Al. English, 1976-2008
Muller-Borer, Barbara, College of Engineering and Technology, 2004-2024
Muller, Dorothy. College of Education and Office of Faculty Excellence,1977-2018
Murphy, Catherine. School of Music, 1966-1977


Nicholson, James F.* Psychology Unknown start-end dates
Nicholson, James D. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Niswander, Frederick. Accounting, Unknown start date-2022
Norris, H. Thomas. Medicine, 1997-2003


Oakley, Stanley. Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Unknown start date-2023
O’Brien, John. School of Music, Unknown start date- 2022
O’Neal, Margaret J. History, Unknown start-end date
O’Rear, Charles W., Jr. Biology, 1962-1965
O’Rourke, Dorcas. Comparative Medicine, Unknown Start date-2023
Obuchowska, Theresa. Mathematics, 2005-2019
Overton, Gary. Kinesiology, Unknown start date-2022
Owens, Phoebe Barnes.* Academic Library Services, 1961-1977


Palumbo, Donald. English, Unknown start date-2021
Papalas, Anthony. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date-2008
Parham, Fred.* Chemistry, Unknown start-end dates
Parke, Helen M. Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education, 1976-2001
Parkerson, Donald. History, Unknown start date-2024
Parnell, James H*. School of Music, 1966-1987
Patterson, Janet.* Theatre and Dance, Unknown start-end dates
Peery, Annette. College of Nursing, Unknown Start date-2023
Pendergrast, Carol. Theatre and Dance, 1988-1999
Penry, Mallie Mae (Bennett). Nursing, 1967-1984
Perry, Evelyn Louise. Nursing, 1962-1981
Perry, Marguerite A.* Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1939-1987
Pertalion, Patricia. School of Art and Design, Unknown start-end dates
Petterson, Janet Horn.* Geography, 1964-1988
Petteway, Betty E. School of Art and Design, Unknown start-end dates
Phelps, Herman D. Continuing Education, 1962-1988
Phelps. David S.* Anthropology, Unknown start-end dates
Phillips, Phil. School of Art and Design, 1977-2009
Pinkney, James.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Pittman, Everett. School of Music, 1971-1989
Poe, Elmer. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Pofahl, Walter. Surgery, Unknown start date-2021
Pories, Walter. Surgery, Unknown start-2022
Poteat, Michael Y. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date-2017
Powell, John Y. Social Work, Unknown start-end dates
Pravica, David. Mathematics, 1994-2019
Pressley, James. History, 2000-2001
Price, Charles Lewis.* History, 1957-1983
Pritchard, William Francis.* Secondary Education, 1968-1984
Pully, Rose. Family Practice, 1979-1983
Putnam-Evans, Cindy. College of arts and Sciences, Unknown start-2024


Quick, Miriam (Mimi). Nursing, 1980-1998


Rabey, Frank.* Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Radeka, Nicholas.* College of Education, 1998-1998
Ragan, Fred D.* History, 1965-1996
Ramsey, Keith M. Brody School of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Unknown start date- 2021
Rand, Cecil H. Jr. Medicine, 1990-1997
Rand, Edith. Chemistry, Unknown start-end dates
Rawl, Janice. Brody School of Medicine, Unknown start-2023
Ray, G. M. Fine Arts and Communication
Ray, Richard H. Physiology, 1984-2022
Read, Floyd M.* Science Education, 1957-1989
Reep, Edward.* School of Art and Design, 1970-1985
Rees, James.* College of Education, Unknown start date-2000
Reeves, Rita. Sociology, Unknown start date-2005
Register, Jasper. Sociology, 1974-2000
Reich, Dindy. School of Art and Design, 2003-2019
Reis, John. Engineering, Unknown start date-2022
Reiser, Christa. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start date-2013
Resnick, Bramy. Sociology, Unknown start-end dates
Rhea, Buford.* Sociology, 1971-1996
Richards, John.* Geology, 1968-2000
Riggs, Stanley Hardee. English, Unknown start date-2000
Rigsby, Catherine. Geological Sciences, Unknown start date-2022
Rives, Ralph Hardee.* English, 1960-1992
Roberts, Eva B. Fine Arts and Communication, Unknown start date-2005
Robertson, James Hale. Technology and Computer Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Robinson, Lorraine Hale. English, Unknown start date-2013
Rodgers, Bradley. History, 1986-2018
Rodman, Diane. English, 2004-2018
Rodriguez, Arturo.* Chemistry, unknown start-end dates
Rohrer, Glenn. Political Science, Unknown start-end dates
Rosenfeld, Norman. English, 1965-1995
Rosenfeld, Vila.* College of Education, 1965-1994
Roshandel, Jalil. History, Unknown start date-2015
Rotherfeder, Herbert A. Psychology, Unknown start-end dates
Rotherfeder, Herbert P.* History, 1967-1996
Rouse, William. College of Education, Unknown start-2023
Row, Kathleen.* History, Unknown start date-2012
Rulifson, Roger.* Biology, Unknown start date-2020
Runyan, Timothy. Maritime Studies, 1997-2018
Rush, Debra. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start date-2024
Russoniello, Carmen. Recreation Sciences, Unknown start date-2020
Russo, Dennis D. Counseling and Student Development, Unknown start date-2017
Ryan, Eugene E.* Philosophy, Unknown start-end dates
Ryan, Ione J. Counseling Center, 1982-1990


Saeed, Sy. Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, 2004-2022
Sanchez, Rafael C. Family Medicine, 1984-1993
Sanders, F. David. Honors Program, English, Unknown start-end dates
Sanderson, William C.* School of Art and Design, 1967-1997
Satterfield, Dorothy N.* Mathematics, 1969-1997
Sanders, Daniel F.* English, Unknown start-end dates
Saunders, Frank W. Mathematics, 1961-1994
Saunders, Josephine Bishop. Health, P.E., Recreation and Safety, 1964-1985
Sayetta, Thomas C. Physics, 1964-2014
Scarantino, Charles W. Radiation Oncology, Unknown start-end dates
Scavo, Carmine. Political Science, Unknown start date-2020
Scharf, Ray. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Schellenberger, Robert S.* Business, Unknown start-end dates
Schmidt, John. Counselor in Adult Education, 1989-2006
Schmidt, Rodney. School of Music, 1967-2006
Schmidt, Mary. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Schmidt, Rodney F. Sociology, Unknown start-end dates
Schultz, Martin W. Sociology and Anthropology, 1986-unknown end date
Schwartz, Charles F. School of Music, 1981-2000
Schwarz, Ernest. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2008
Schwarz, Martin.* Foreign Languages and Literatures, Unknown start date-2001
Searl, James. School of Music, 1965-1998
Sehgal, Narinder. Medicine, 1985-1997
Sehgal, Prem. Biology, 1966-end dates
Sexauer, Donald. School of Art and Design, Unknown start-end dates
Seykora, Edward J.* Physics, Unknown start-end dates
Shank, Barry M*. School of Music, 1961-1995
Shaw, Ruth A*. Graber.* School of Music , 1966-1992
Shea, Jannis.* Human Environmental Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Shea, Philip.* Geography, Unknown start-end dates
Shearin, John. Fine Arts and Communication, Unknown start-end dates
Sheppard, Moses M.* Academic Library Services, Unknown start date-1991
Shields, E. Thomson. English, Unknown start-2022
Shires, Nancy P. Academic Library Services, 1980-2007
Shrader, Joe. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Shumaker, Ralph. School of Music, Unknown start-end dates
Siegal, Robert. English, Unknown start date-2020
Simon, Maurice. Biology, Unknown start date-2006
Simpson, Everett C. Biology, 1961-1986
Singh, Avtar C.* English, Unknown start date-2003
Sinicrope, Rose. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Skalko, Thomas. Recreation and Leisure Studies, Unknown start date-2017
Smiley, Wendell Wayne.* Academic Library Services, 1943-1973
Smith, A. Mason, Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Smith, Catherine. English, Unknown start date-2012
Smith, Elizabeth H. Academic Library Services, 1967-2006
Smith, Elizabeth W. Management, Unknown start-end dates
Smith, James L. Philosophy and Religious Studies, Unknown start date-2018
Smith, James. Management, 1978-2016
Smith, Jim. Biology, Unknown start-end dates
Smith, Terry O. Academic Library Services, Unknown start date-2014
Smith, William H. School of Art and Design, Unknown start-end dates
Smith, Williams C.* Criminal Justice 1971-1989
Snow, Charles. Geological Science, Unknown start-end dates
Snyder, Scott.* Political Science, Unknown start date-2008
Song, Young-dahl. Political Science, 1972-1997
Sorenson, Mary Goodman. English, 1957-1976
South, Malcolm.* English, Unknown start-end dates
Southard, Bruce D. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date-2009
Southard, Sherry. English, Unknown start-end dates
Southwick, Mildred Daniels.* Academic Library Services, 1954-1971
Sowell, Katye.* Mathematics, Unknown start-end dates
Sparrow, Wendall Keats.* College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date-2005
Speier, Ronald. Student Life, 1984-2000
Spickerman, Sylvenne. Nursing, Unknown start-end dates
Sprau, Daniel.* Foreign Languages and Literature, Unknown start date-2005
Standish, Peter W. School of Art and Design, Unknown start date-2011
Stanforth, Melvin. Biology, Unknown start-end dates
Stanley, Donald F. TCollege Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date-2007
Stansell, Stanley F.* Business, Unknown start date-2007
Staton, Lois Mary.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Stapleton, Hazel F. Psychology, 1963-1987
Stark, Merritt. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Steele, Marilyn F.* History Unknown start-end dates
Steele, Ralph.* Health, P.E., Recreation and Safety, 1960-1990
Steelman, Joseph F.* History, 1955-1984
Steer, Helen V. Theatre Arts, 1963-1988
Stephenson, Helen B. English, Unknown start-end dates
Stephenson, Helen G.* Special Education, 1979-1988
Stephenson, Richard A.* Geography, Unknown start-end dates
Stephenson, William E.* English, 1970-1991
Stevens, Charles.* School of Music, 1960-1990
Stevens, David B.* History, 1970-1988
Stewart, Natalie.* Theater and Dance, Unknown start date-2020
Still, William N., Jr. History, 1968-1994
Stiller, John. Biology, Unknown start date-2024
Stuart, Andrew., Dr.* College of Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Sugg, Howard A. I.* Political Science, 1967-1981
Sullivan, Charles S., III.* English, Unknown start date-2011
Summers, Kyle. Biology, Unknown start date- 2022
Sundwall, McKay. Psychology, Unknown start date-2005
Swank, Katherine. Interior Design, Unknown start date-2022
Swart, William. College of Business, Unknown start-2023


Tacker, Robert S., Unknown start-end dates
Tardiff, Paul. Fine Arts and Communication, Unknown start-end dates
Tavasso, Debra. Health Education and Promotion, 1992-2018
Taylor, Allen. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Taylor, Barr. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Taylor, David A. Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2000-2022
Teel, Linda V. Academic Library Services, Unknown start date-2013
Teleki, Jane. Human Ecology, Unknown start date-2013
Tester, Jerry V. Industrial and Technology Education
Theurer, Britton W. Political Science, Unknown start date-2015
Thiele, Ronald L.* Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Thomassen, Mary Jane. Brody School of Medicine, Internal Medicine, 2005-2021
Thompson, Robert. Political Science, 1981-2016
Thompson, Scott W. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Thornton, Jack W. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Tilley, John.* History, 1983-2018
Toburen, Larry H.* Physics, Unknown start-2010
Toderick, Lee. Technology Systems, Unknown start-2022
Toll, Eleanor Ethridge*. School of Music, 1942-1978
Tomkiewics, Joseph F.*, Unknown start date-2014
Topper, Paul. Political Science, Unknown start date-2001
Troutman, William F., Jr.* Political Science, Unknown start date-1988
Treadwell, Edward. Internal Medicine, Unknown start-2022
Tschetter, Paul B. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start date-2007
Tucker, Carol A. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start date-2005
Tuttle, J. E. Betsy. Brody School of Medicine, Surgery, Unknown start date-2023
Twarog, Carl.* Arts and Communication, Unknown start date-2018


Uhr, Ernest. Political Science, Unknown start-end dates


VanFleet, James.* Political Science, Unknown start-end dates
Varlashkin, Paul G.* Physics, 1972-1995
Vernick, Sanford. Medicine, 1989-1997
Vick, John B. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Volkman, Alvin. Medicine, 1977-1998
Voors, Michael. School of Art and Design, 1980-2018


Wacker, Lori. School of Music, Unknown start date- 2022
Wagner, Judy. Marketing, 2003-2018
Wagoner, Cynthia. School of Music, 2011-2024
Waldrop, Paul. English, Unknown start-end dates
Wallace, Ivan G. Interdisciplinary Professions, 1985-2019
Walsh, Emmett. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Wang, Alfred.* English, 1967-1994
Wang, Veronica. English, Unknown start-end dates
Ward, Vernon Albert, Jr.* English, 1964-1978
Watson, Brett T. 1967-1998
Wease, James Hugh. History, 1968-1995
Weaver, Florence S.* College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
Webb, Elizabeth. English, Unknown start-end dates
Webber, Edith.* English, 1965-1985
Webster, Ramond W. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Weeks, Patricia. College of Fine Arts and Communication, 1981-2015
Weigand, George R. J. Counseling Center, 1963-1983
Welborn, John W. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Welborn, Odell.* Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Safety, 1960-1992
Wheatley, Edward W. Business, Unknown start-end dates
Wheatley, Elizabeth. College of Education, Unknown start-end dates
White, Alan C. College of Arts and Sciences, 2005-2013
White, Gladys R.* School of Music, 1948-1991
White, James L.* Business Education and Administration, 1948-1984
Wieland, Liza. English, Unknown start-end dates
Wiggins, Minnie M.* Academic Library Services, 1965-1991
Wilburn, Kenneth. History, 1983-2018
Wilentz, Gay*. English, Unknown start-end dates
Williams, Lee Gerald.* Academic Library Services, 1957-1969
Williams, Mary Elizabeth, Buchanan. Academic Library Services, 1960-1961
Williams, Melvin J.* Sociology and Anthropology, 1963-1982
Williams, Richard. Recreation and Leisure Studies, 2000-2018
Williams, Robert. Office of the Provost, 1959-1973
Williams, Thomas Craig. College of Business, Unknown start date- 2024
Wilms, Douglas. Geography, Unknown start-end dates
Wilson, Kenneth.* Sociology, 1974-2014
Winstead, Beth. Anthropology, Unknown start date-2013
Wolfe, Linda. Anthropology, Unknown start date-2012
Wood, Peggy Jean Hope. Health Information Management, 1969-1996
Woodard, Ginger. Interior Design and Merchandising, Unknown start date-2021
Woodside, Robert.* Mathematics, Unknown start-end dates
Wooten, Harriet H. Student Health Services, 1965-1984
Wooten, John. Medicine, Unknown start-end dates
Wright, James.* English, Unknown start date-2000
Wubneh, Mulatu E.* Political Science, Unknown start date-2017
Wuensch, Karl. Psychology, Unknown start date-2022
Wurth-Hough, Sandra. Political Science, Unknown start-end dates


Yang, Yu.* Chemistry, Unknown start date-2024
Yarbrough, Tinsley. College of Arts and Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Yearick, Homer Frazier. Social Work and Correctional Services, 1975-1984
York, Maurice. Academic Library Services, Unknown start date-2013


Zambone, Alana. College of Education, Unknown start date-2021
Zauner, Christian W. College of Health and Human Performance, Unknown start-end dates
Zhou, Ning.* College of Allied Health Sciences, Unknown start-end dates
Zincome, Buddy A.* Economics, Unknown start date-2002
Zincone, Louis H. Business, Unknown start date-2002
Zinn, Gary. Chemistry, Unknown start date-2010
Zoller, Christine. School of Art and Design, 1997-2019
Zoretic, Phillip A. Recreation and Leisure Studies, Unknown start-end dates