Carolina Moonshine Raiders by Frank Stephenson

As Special Collections prepares to explore the moonshine industry in North Carolina next semester, it seemed appropriate to highlight Frank Stephenson’s book on the topic.

In his 2001 publication Carolina Moonshine Raiders, Frank Stephenson recounts his lifetime of experience with moonshine in the Roanoke-Chowan region of North Carolina., which covers Bertie, Hertford, Gates, and Northampton counties. Stephenson’s experience with moonshine began shortly after World War II, while accompanying his father, a part-time deputy sheriff, on raids in Hertford County.

Stephenson notes that there are three key elements required for making a successful moonshine operation: continuous water supply, an overhead canopy and isolation.  For a canopy, he contends bootleggers preferred to place their stills under holly trees, as the thick holly leaves helped to thin the smoke and make the location less noticeable.

The front cover image of Stephenson’s book depicts a “jumbo still” raided near Cofield in Hertford County on February 17, 1956.

Monetarily speaking, one of the most successful moonshiners in North Carolina was Percy Flowers, who happens to be the subject of an upcoming Special Collections exhibit. The exhibit will be housed in the North Carolina Collection beginning in January 2024. Please stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.