Help us document the COVID-19 pandemic in eastern North Carolina

photo of typewriter, journal, and camera

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in both similar and different ways. East Carolina University Libraries are documenting the effects of COVID-19 on the lives of eastern North Carolina residents and on normal campus operations. We need your help! Preserving this period of our local history will be beneficial to scholars for years to come, much in the way documentation of the 1918 Flu Pandemic helps us have a broad understanding of how life changed during that time.

We would love for you to submit reflections on your personal experience during the pandemic, including how your daily life has changed, how your perspectives have changed, how the pandemic has affected your mental and physical health, and anything else you would like to record about your experience. You can write these in any form and style you would like. Click here to visit our online submission site.  Also, please share the site with your family and friends in the region who might wish to contribute.

Thank you for helping us document this important historical event! Please reach out with any questions or comments.  And stay well!