Grifton Clothing Company
Source: Daily Reflector Negative Collection (Manuscript Collection #0741)
Staff Person: Lynette Lundin
Description: This image was taken to highlight a time of tremendous growth in the City of Grifton, North Carolina. The Grifton Clothing Co. was working in the former furniture store in Grifton at this time, but they would soon be moving into a $225,000 plant under construction. The garment firm employed 100 people, and would employ 350 when they moved into their new building. Thanks to the Pitt County Development Commission for attracting new industry to the area and the people for raising nearly a quart-million dollars. The U.S. Census Bureau showed the population of this town grew from 510 to 1,827, between 1950 and 1960. The negative was dated May 28th, 1960.