November 2012 Archives

Nov 27, 2012
  • ECU Contributor

Fannie Wallace Letter to Mannie & Sissie Tuten 29 July 1863

Greensboro, N. Ca. July 29th 63 Dear Marney & Sissie I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how we are. We are well and hope you the same. Cousin Fannie and Cecie is staying with us. I wish you were with us. Nancie says please try and get her some snuff. I am writing with Confederate ink. I am writing on a Confederate spelling Book. I went to a Ball and Danced with two Confederate officers. Give my love to Aunt Mary Ann and Family, Uncle and Family, Mrs. Gardner and Family, and Mrs. Betry and receive a share for yourself and Sissie. Kiss Ephey for me. There is not any more News at present. All join me in love Good bye Excuse write as soon as you can. This from you affectionate Grand Daughter Fannie Wallace Fannie Wallace to Mannie & Sissie, 1863 07 29 Arthur Whitford Papers #18.1.a...

Nov 19, 2012
  • ECU Contributor

Great American Cock, Male (Wild Turkey)

Source:  Rare QL674.A9 2006 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: Study for the Great American Cock, Male one of the major plates in the large elephant folio edition of Birds of...

Nov 12, 2012
  • ECU Contributor

Sadie Hawkins Day Race

Source:  University Archives Visual Materials Collection Staff Person:  Arthur Carlson Description: This photo from the University Archives shows East Carolina students participating in a 1953 Sadie Hawkins Day Race (UA55-01-4841). By tradition,...

Nov 05, 2012
  • ECU Contributor

President Carter: FREE THE WILMINGTON 10

  Source: North Carolina Collection  NoCar F265.N4 P74 1977 Staff Person: Susan Holland Description: In October 1972, Ben Chavis along with nine other defendants were sentenced in the February 1971...