<span>October 2010</span> Archives

Oct 28, 2010
  • ECU Contributor

Merrill Moore X-Ray

  Source: Stuart Wright Rare Book Collection 59-23 Staff Person: Ralph Scott Description: X-Ray photograph of Merrill Moore, author of The Noise that Time Makes. Photograph is captioned "because his...

Oct 20, 2010
  • ECU Contributor

Elbert Carpenter Civil War Letter

State of N.C. Edgecom County November the 26 1862 Dear and affectionet father and Mother It is with great pain that I seat my selfe to drope you a few lines to in form you that Brother Wiet [Wyatt] is Ded he Did one the 26 of this month he has Bin Sicke fore a month he Will be Bered here the Doctor has never told me What the Diseas Was so I cant say What Was the matter With him Dear and affectionate father and Mother I am Well at this more than Bad cole I hope that Whern this letter gits to hand it Will find you all in joying good halthe i want you to write to me as soon as you gitre this letter if you pleas it Dos give me great pleasure to reseve a letter from you James. Died on the 21 of this mohth and Was Bered here in this plas. Dear father Direct your letters to Tarbour in care of N A Ramsey the 61 Regiment company D Elbert Carpenter. ...

Oct 14, 2010
  • ECU Contributor

Andy Griffith Letter to John D. Messick

Source: UA 02.05 - John D. Messick Papers Staff Person: Arthur Carlson Description: Mt. Airy, North Carolina native Andy Griffith attained worldwide fame for his portrayal of two of television’s...

Oct 01, 2010
  • ECU Contributor

Hurricane Donna Damage

Source:  Daily Reflector Negative Collection #741 Staff Person:  Martha Elmore Description:  According to NOAA, Hurricane Donna is the only hurricane on record to produce hurricane-force winds along the entire Atlantic...