Pei-ching Chou Pao

Source: Beijing Review, Hoover DS 701 P42

Presidents of China and Cameroon

Presidents of China and Cameroon

Staff Person: Ralph Scott

The Hoover collection receives a number of current periodicals that were especially of interest to Dr. Peele who established the collection. Beijing Review is a popular publication from mainland China that is similar in nature to Soviet Life a Russian magazine that was exchanged with the communist bloc countries as cultural materials during the cold war. In exchange for the distribution of US Information Agency publications in Communist countries, the mainland Chinese were allow to send similar type publications to America. Beijing Review is a relic of this type of Cold War information exchange. The Hoover collection has files dating back of 1979 of this title. The issue displayed here is typical of topics covered in the periodical. The Romanized title of the periodical is: Pei-ching chou pao.