Rhythm, Riots & Revolution

Source: Rhythm, Riots and Revolution, Hoover ML/3795/N635

Cover of Rhythm, riots and revolution.

Cover of Rhythm, riots and revolution.

Staff Person: Ralph Scott

” . . . the author of this book {and the best seller . . . “Communism, Hypnotism & the Beetles”} I have called “America’s most needed book of 1966.” When I first recognized his leadership ability, he was pastor of a Bible Church in Madison, Wisconsin, where he was working on his Doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin. Rev. Noebel enthusiastically joined our team and has become a leading spokesman for Christian Crusade in recent months.” — Dr. Billy James Hargis, Christian Crusade, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

David A. Noebel, Rhythm, Riots and Revolution, Tulsa, Christian Crusade Publications, 1966. {352pp.,} 17 cm. Hoover ML 3795 N635

Dr. Peel, collector of the Hoover collection materials has made a manuscript notation on page 111 that “Russia outlaws Rock n’ Roll.”