Parker Store, Menola, NC – 1

Source: Murfreesboro Historical Association Collection, East Carolina Manuscript Collection #691

The Parker Store at Menola, North Carolina

The Parker Store at Menola, North Carolina

Staff Person: Anna Hardee

The Parker Store at Menola, NC in Hertford, County Collection #691/6 Murfreesboro Historical Association Collection

How many of the below items can you identify?
There is the old Coffee grinder, and an old washing machine.
The wooden boxes on the shelves contained many things such as leather for the soles of shoes, rice and one box in particular contained Small arms ammunition loaded shot shells.
If you look at the left of the photo where the woven baskets are, on the third shelf down there are old bottles of medicinal supplies. Most of the items in this photo are rarely ever seen anymore.
There are numerous photos along this line in this collection, along with old buildings and landmarks.
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Manuscript Collection 691.003

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